Association Transformation
Welcome to Association Transformation, a transatlantic conversation advancing the impact and evolution of non-profit organizations. We're always seeking diversity of thought and new examples of innovation in action. That and a commitment to mission driven organizations spurred this collaboration between the teams at Brewer Pratt Solutions and Elevated. Together with our special guests, each episode we take a deep dive into the issues, topics, challenges and opportunities facing the association community. Between us we’ve been there, done it, got the t-shirt: membership, mergers, boards and leadership, advocacy, and education - nothing is off limits. Any subject that effects non-profits, their survival or their success is up for discussion.
Association Transformation
Your Nonprofit Tech Health Check
From “Toxic Tech” to continuous performance improvement, Elisa visits with the tech doctor Troy Stenback, CAPIA, Director, Client Performance Improvement with Advanced Solutions International (ASI), the developers of iMIS. This episode of Association Transformation takes us on a search for tech health and forces us to face the truth - tech is usually only a small part of the problem we face. Most tech issues are due to your association's tech culture. Does your staff complain about or just not use the software and systems in place? Do you have duplicative programs because departments don’t communicate? Has anyone been recently trained on the tools you have? If these are symptoms you see, it may be time to look in the mirror. Stenback walks us through the journey to tech health and shares some great client best practices you can implement now to improve your #nonprofits tech culture!
Advanced Solutions International (ASI) is a leading global provider of cloud software and services for associations and non-profits. They help clients digitally transform, streamline operations, and grow revenue through industry expertise, best-practice advice, and high-quality solutions. Their portfolio of solutions includes iMIS for association and non-profit management, TopClass LMS for learning management, and OpenWater for application and review management.
ASI helps people achieve great things through innovative solutions.
For more information visit